Our Services
Learn how we can help your business thrive
TeKnowCAD's Autodesk products are crafted to assist forward-thinking manufacturing companies in evolving into modern digital manufacturing organizations while retaining their in-house expertise and experience.
As your partner, we can identify your company's current challenges and create a tailored solution by implementing the appropriate engineering technologies and optimizing your processes.
Autodesk Products Customization
Autodesk Products Custom Training
Custom Autodesk Inventor Nastran
& CFD Training
Real-life practical examples,
not textbook
Bring your
own model
We use your design and models
to learn how FEA works
We focus on areas that you
need the most help with
Autodesk Vault Data Transfer
Data cleaning
before upload
Automated, fast and efficient way of preparing and cleaning your data for upload to Autodesk Vault
Test yourself
before accepting
An automated way to Autodesk
Vault configuration, its
testing and fine tuning
Design Gear: 3D Product Configurator
Design Automation
A complete solution for design automation and inhouse/online sales of configurable or typical products
Online & Internal Sales
Cloud Configurator offers simple integration with eCommerce plug-in for WordPress (WooCommerce)
Web & Apps
Web, Mobile and Cloud
Virtual and Augmented
We'd love to hear about your business and technology goals